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Built-in organization structure, functional transfer of cases and delegation of authority
Users and organization structure
The Almexoft platform can act as a master system for users, and provides interaction with specialized systems (including Oracle HR, various directory services via the LDAP protocol: Active Directory, eDirectory, OpenLDAP, Oracle HR, SAP HR; and IDM systems: MicroFocus IDM, SailPoint, and Forgerock). Depending on the opted mode of synchronization with the profile user management system, the platform implements separate mechanisms for granting rights, blocking/unblocking users, including users in various groups, etc. An individual profile is created for each user in the system, which contains all the necessary information. With Almexoft platform you can create, view and change the organizational structure of the company, while maintaining its relevance. For the convenience of regular updates, the organization structure can be synchronized with existing personnel accounting systems.

Delegation of authority
For cases requiring delegation of authority to work on a document or process from one user to another, the platform offers the delegating authority feature. This function can be used both on a permanent and temporary basis. In this case, the user (with the appropriate rights) or the administrator determine which accounts/types of documents will be given access to the substitute. It is possible to delegate authority for a particular group or type of document/process. The platform keeps records of all actions performed by the substitute, displays the fact of substitution in history, the course of execution of a document or process, and in the general system administration log.

Transfer of cases
Similarly, to delegation of authority, in case when a user takes on a new position or transfers his responsibilities on an ongoing basis, the system provides for the transfer of cases from one user to another. At the same time, the administrator can adjust the parameters of such a transfer. The system allows you to re-transfer cases, return transferred cases and other operations that affect the execution of business processes (documents). The user to whom the cases are transferred will have access to all documents and the ability to perform the required actions, acting as the executor, author or responsible, or in another provided role. With this function, it is possible to complete work with an open document without stopping the approval or execution process.