

The Almexoft platform is designed with consideration for modern methods of creating highly complex corporate applications

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Platform development tools

Almexoft is built on recognized standards-compliant frameworks and programming languages for developing server and client components of corporate solutions. This not only ensures active support and further development of all application components but also guarantees the availability of experienced specialists with the required technology stack.

  • Batch architecture

    Batch architecture allows for the development of new functional blocks and organizing them as separate modules

  • Programming languages and frameworks

    Support for enterprise-level programming languages and frameworks significantly accelerates the development cycle

Technology stack and open API

The ability to actively interact with third-party systems is key to automating and optimizing business processes. For such interaction, the Almexoft platform utilizes an open API based on Apache Thrift, combining the structured advantages of SOAP with the simplicity of REST. This allows for integration work to commence using any modern programming language. Simultaneously, for systems that do not support direct programming, the entire API is duplicated for use with REST requests. The Almexoft API enables integrators to utilize all of the platform’s capabilities without exception and expand possibilities by creating integration and BPM modules as plugins.

Server logic development language

Open API based on Apache Thrift

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    Mobile applications
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    Web application

Advantages of Object-Relational Mapping (ORM)

The Almexoft platform utilizes Object-Relational Mapping (ORM), which eliminates the dependency on a specific Database Management System (DBMS) and provides the flexibility to use the DBMS that is already in use and licensed within the customer's IT infrastructure during platform deployment. The platform works equally well with widely used corporate DBMSs like MSSQL Server, Oracle, and Postgre

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Platform independence

The use of platform-independent technologies allows for the equally successful utilization of the Almexoft platform in both Windows and Linux environments, as well as in a combined IT landscape. Additionally, the dockerization of individual components accelerates the deployment process, enables component management akin to building blocks, and ensures the fault tolerance and horizontal scaling of individual nodes.

Web servers
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Mobile platforms
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Web browsers
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Why do users choose Almexoft?

  • The ability to work from anywhere in the world with an internet connection

  • Availability of fully functional native mobile applications

  • Speed of building business process templates

  • Unlimited number of templates and documents

  • The ability to view and edit office document formats (including simultaneous editing) directly in the browser/mobile app

  • The ability to work with electronic signatures (e-signatures) for various state standards

  • Expanding the core functionality through Almexoft Marketplace and writing custom extensions


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