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Implementation stages low-code platforms Almexoft


Process Design


Initial testing of processes and making changes



At this stage, Almexoft's team of experts collaborates with the client to design optimal business processes that meet their needs.

Existing processes are analyzed, requirements and goals are determined, and an individual platform implementation plan is created, which maximizes efficiency and improves effectiveness.

After design, the platform and processes undergo rigorous testing, including functional and integration testing.

The Almexoft team works with the client to identify and resolve any issues and make necessary changes that may arise during testing.

After successful completion of testing and approval by the client, the Almexoft platform is ready for launch.

The team provides the necessary support and training to the client’s staff for a smooth start to work in the system.

Regular monitoring and support ensure the platform operates effectively and meets changing business needs.

Available deployment options: SaaS or On-premise

The Almexoft platform allows customers to choose between two main deployment options: Software as a Service (SaaS) or On-premise.

Depending on the unique needs and requirements of the business, clients can choose SaaS for quick implementation without the need to manage your own infrastructure, or choose On-premise for full control over the resources and data you store yourself.

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Sergey Sinchenko

Chief Operating Officer

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The first position in the market requires close attention to the business and continuous improvement. This can only be realized by developing a process approach to management. It is within the framework of this task that we have identified one of the goals - the implementation of the BPM system



What does SCRUM allow?

Implementation of the low-code platform Almexoft according to the SCRUM methodology. This methodology allows organizing the implementation of an electronic document management system in short iterations, called sprints.

Such an approach allows you to flexibly build the implementation process, quickly responding to changing requirements or new introductory projects.

The methodology implies a fairly deep involvement of the customer in the sprint planning process and the acceptance of intermediate stages of work. Such a unique approach to the system implementation project helps to quickly start implementing and connecting a low-code platform, due to the high level of involvement of specialists from the customer’s side, the training process is as efficient as possible.

Thus, if the customer is faced with the task of effectively using the budget of the implementation project, starting the project in a short time, there is a willingness to involve a team and allocate enough time to work on the project, the SCRUM methodology is best suited.

The project management methodology implies work according to the Time & Material model, most of the approvals are done by email, the final invoice / act is provided on the basis of two sprint reports on a monthly basis.

Stages of implementation according to the SCRUM methodology:

A high-level work plan with deadlines and a description of tasks is drawn up. Agrees with the customer on the implementation plan of the electronic document management system.
The plan is broken down into two-week sprints. Before starting work, the scope of tasks and labor costs of the low-code platform connection team are agreed with the customer as part of the sprint.
After the end of the sprint, a demonstration of the issued works is carried out, a report is sent on the actual time spent on the implementation of the tasks.
After confirming and agreeing on the completed works for two sprints, we draw up an act, an invoice for payment and send the originals to the customer.

How does Waterfall work?

Waterfall allows you to organize the implementation of a low-code platform according to predefined phases. This approach is as transparent and convenient as possible for the client, since it covers all processes from the beginning to the end of the project.

The approach implies strictly sequential and one-time execution of each phase of the project; the leveling up to the next phase is possible only after the successful completion of the previous one.account the dependence of the phases from each other

Each phase implies detailed planning and correctness of the implementation stage.

Due to the high level of formalization, it is much easier to manage such a project, since the client already knows exactly what result he wants to get during implementation. It is generally accepted that the waterfall development model reduces risks and brings clarity to the project development process when several dozen people are working on the project.

Usually, such a project management methodology implies working according to the Fixed Price model. Invoices and certificates are provided based on the completion of each phase of the project.

Stages of implementation according to the waterfall cascade model:

An accurate work plan with terms and a description of the stages of the LED connection project is drawn up. Agrees with the customer.
The phases of the project are placed in the implementation schedule in a cascade, taking into account the dependencies of the phases on each other.
After the end of each phase, a demonstration of the issued works is held.
After confirming and agreeing on the completed works for each phase, we draw up an act and invoice for payment, after which we send the originals to the customer.

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