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Kazakhmys Insurance Company company review

“Kazakhmys Insurance Company” JSC is constantly striving to improve its work qualitatively both for external clients in the insurance industry and for the Company’s employees. One of the improvements was the decision to automate most internal processes in favor of simplifying and speeding up the tasks of servicing customers and working with contractors.

The most optimal way to accomplish the tasks was the chosen option for automation of processes through the electronic document management system AlmexECM.

“Almexoft Kazakhstan” LLP has developed and fully implemented an EDMS for us with the integrated AlmexECM BPM module.

The extensive functionality of the system allowed for the Company as a whole:

  • Optimize and bring into unified order business processes related to document management and office work of the company;
  • Ensure the management of transparency of the workflow; and – strictly control the executive discipline of documents;
  • 30% to minimize the processing time and execution of documents;
  • 15% reduce the cost of purchasing writing paper and cartridges.

For the office, the system is the main document management tool that solves such problems as:

  • Minimize by 80% the time for registration and processing of correspondence, its delivery to the addressee and performer, especially arriving at the regional offices of the Company;
  • Exclusion of loss of documents;
  • Tracking versioning and route of the document;
  • Significantly reduce the time for approval and familiarization with the document;
  • Unified forms of documents, transparent accounting, the formation and completion of documents in business in electronic form;
  • A quick and convenient search of the documents themselves and additional information on them;
  • The ability to qualitatively assess the state of the Company’s workflow, the prompt formation of reports and certificates on the effectiveness of work with documents and document flows of an individual employee, unit, and the whole Company;
  • Strict observance of information security;
  • Convenient and quick setup, development of document routes.

The main quality indicators of developers are:

  • Implementation of the full implementation of the system;
  • Continuous work on improving the functionality, including – at the request of company users and periodic updating of the system;
  • Rare errors in the operation of the system and their prompt elimination;
  • Rich system functionality;
  • An understandable (intuitive) algorithm of work and setting up workflow routes;
  • Operational technical support.
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Company author review
Anastasia BelobrodskaClerk of "Kazakhmys IC" JSC
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