

News / Releases / Platform release 3.18.2

Platform release 3.18.2

Almexoft 3.18.2 includes a number of important updates aimed at increasing your productivity

It introduces 3 new features, including:

Setting up mandatory attachment signing.

Remembering the template settings for the “User” field.

Displaying the process when creating a document

The following improvements have been implemented:

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    • In the forms of brief and full information, all icons at the top have been returned to the right, in brief information, the icon for closing the form has been left on the far left;
    • Pagination in all sections has been aligned in the middle of the table;
    • Removed tooltips from column names;
    • In the “Org. structure” section, search has been made by default for the entire department branch

    You can see the full list of improvements here.

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    Displaying a collapsed document

    We have improved the appearance of a collapsed document, and also added a summary display when hovering over such a document.

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    Document search

    A mechanism has been implemented that allows you to display the desired value of the system number without specifying the year.

    For example, there are documents with numbers 324 (21) and 1324 (23). You can specify 324 in the search query and the system will display document 324 (21) first at the top of the list.

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    We have tidied up the calendar.

    Now weekends and holidays, document deadlines and meeting days are displayed correctly.

These updates make using the platform more convenient and efficient.

Read the full description of the platform release 3.18.2

Open PDF

What's new in version*3.18.2

New features
*Previous version 3.18.1
Paper clip

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